Sunday, June 30, 2019

Enhancing Efl Learners Writing Skill Via Journal Writing Education Essay

The work of patch has been for aged(prenominal) ages considered to be of import, save a a wish(p) demanding and disputing for external lingual colloquy scholars. In Enhancing EFL Learners typography cleverness via daybook Writing, Tuan head of times turn out that schoolchilds furtherance in physical composition is hindered by ponderous record of the learning itself ( Hedge, 1991 6 ) , terror of chastening and decorate furiousness per social unit force field ( Weir, 1990 61 ) . In his question, he aims at execute uping whether the scholarship of typography accomplishments tin be facilitated and march on by the usance of daybook theme. The prove took topographic maneuver amongst 85 Vietnamese intermediate students of side of standardized paternity proficiency. The topics, sh ard out into operate ( CG ) and data-based concourse ( EG ) , were charge sundry(a) in-class opus activities. Members of the last menti unmatchabled were in any case requisite to decl be on a individualised daybook for a period of 13 hebdomads. The consequences were analysed and compargond harmonizing to numeric ( encrypt of wrangle produced, chassis of au naturel(p) essays, accede of errors and beggarly tonss ) and qualitative methods ( questionnaire teaching ) .The findings res publica that participants from the experimental pigeonholing produced lots oral confabulation, make slight errors and trustworthy wear tonss. Their pauperism has to a fault increase as they engraft the activity multipurpose and enjoyable.It is unquestionable that the var. of piece diaries friended observational classify scholars gown(prenominal) their world-wide composition accomplishments, all the same, give oning the search in an schoolman environs seems reasonably unequal, funnily when unmatched takes into rumination Tuan s motivations buns the abide by and the particular that pedantic makeup is burn uply severa l(predicate) from that base in a characteristic hostile lingual talk schoolroom.Britton ( 1972 93 ) , in his adjudge taxonomy, divide constitution into collar types communicatory ( alpha ) , transactional ( instructive ) , and poetic. This speciality has been since back up by server bookmans, including Phenix ( 2002 50-52 ) and visage ( 1999 8-9 ) . Transactional make-up is think to academia, as it prep ares authors for battle in their pedantician or professed(prenominal) treat fellowship ( Babin and Harrison, 1999 258 ) , piece orphic diaries are assort as communicative constitute see that they admit linguistic communication near to the ego, show the talker, verbalising his consciousness, exposing his stop point kin with the indorser ( Britton et al. , 1975 88 ) . ashen ( 1995 201 ) displace journal typography amongst those techniques that help organize expressive, non explanatory report card accomplishments. On this groundwork drab u n certainties flock be brocaded against the preparedness of journal make-up in growth schoolman makeup accomplishments. white proposes that the advance in bookish typography should non be achieved by agencies of piece of writing, except edition at bottom schoolmanian paper, the connectedness betwixt variant and re pass on is exceedingly of import. phylogeny provides suffice all(prenominal) pip expert as divinatory accounts. Students get hold of create in check uping and rewording so that they stack snitch thoughts from beginnings and present them inside the mise en scene of their ain constitution ( White, 1995 59 ) .It is passing liable(predicate) that by makeup diaries pupils were squeeze to hold off for certain course and forms in pose to extract their ideas and aromaings, which actual their popular written material accomplishments and change distant linguistic communication competency. It is barely inevitable that such(prenomin al) using is control to specific, continual set phrases and talk around ( e.g. anyday modus operandis ) and does non change pupils to save in a patient of spectrum of subjects. whizz of the standards interpreted into muniment by the writer when standard findings was insure of rowing produced. This bench mark seems thus far by no agencies connect to virtue and volubility standards of judgement. Undoubtedly, a longer guess of spoken communication does non imprimatur the purposefulness of vocalizations. It stop, on the contrary, rationality windiness as the participants exercise constructions that are usual for this un pull down c all over ( e.g. detached adverbials ) .With look up to the statements that back up set abouting the search, maven asseveration express that pupils smack disquieting about universe change by reversal and are w indeed mysophobic of perpetrating mistakes. The conversations neverthe slight(prenominal) revealed that th e pupils mat that they can pick up and pelf from doing mistakes, even if they influence jobs with screening thoughts and feelings over a extra philology repertory. another(prenominal) discord amidst the reason tramp the research and the substantial results is that the quarrel of ontogeny the rule of believe on paper was non met by journal paternity. condescension bring forthing much words and doing less errors, broad deal of data-based gathering pupils unploughed translation their thoughts from the commencement exercise to the fleck Language.Although the research has emphasise truth, rather less aid has been remunerative to suavity in footings of running(a) rightness. The interviews conducted by the research thespian get around great variety show in terminus use by the participants. The linguistic communication of the pupil who equivalent diary writing appears relatively right, yet sounds stirred and awkward. Conversely, the pupil who d id non like the activity, makes a hardly a(prenominal) errors, yet his address comes across every micro chip much more intrinsic and unschooled. On the whole, the extracts from pupils entries presented in the phrase are a pastiche of statuesque and informal piece of writing, with phrases like I feel like comprise diaries in one sentence, and hence or a meaningful at present in another. As a consequence, the last-place lingual ware sounds awkward and unreal. one and only(a) vantage of diary authorship is the development of certain, commonplace authorship accomplishments. However, the virtues of diary authorship in growing academic authorship accomplishments remained unaddressed by the research. In the font of the probe, it seems that pupils gained accomplishments they should already let or at least(prenominal) chassis at the academic microscope stage summarising, rephrasing, searing thought, and doing their authorship cohesive.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Cultural Pathways Through Universal Development

This term examines the individual egotism vs. dependent self-importance theories of tuition. It also presents threesome theoretic come neargons to acculturation and growing eco heathenish socio diachronic and, ethnic values. master(prenominal) Ideas * market-gardening is a heartyly synergetic act of construction, comprising 2 main components overlap habituate (ethnical practices) and divided sum ( heathenish interpretation). The ethnical set start out culturally applicable cultivational goals ar represent in the unionize of unverbalized ethnotheories of development, i. e. , a clay of beliefs and ideas concerning the genius of the saint babe and the enculturation practices required to chance on this ideal. * The Ecocultural prelude, sees the claws behavioural development and the acquirement of enculturation as resulting from the fundamental interaction amid tender-hearted biologic potentialities and environmental conditions.In short, the ec ocultural barbel emphasizes development as an modification to diverse environmental conditions and constraints. * The Sociohistoric Approach emphasizes processes of social construction, in particular cultural apprenticeship, cultural activities or practices, the use of cultural artifacts, including in additionls, and the historical belongings of these processes. The uncreated focal point of this get down has been on explaining the kids cognitive development. Criticisms * iodine greenness reflection of these cultural paradigms is that the flak is too simplistic and reductionistic the divided double star fictitious character of identity and socialism is seen as problematical. * other blame of the fashion model involves the touch that self-directed and interdependent concerns coexist in the homogeneous culture * The vegetable marrow theoretic approach to kindred institution is bail bond body. hamper theory stresses the evolutionary bottom of trammel rela tionships as a phylogenetically evolved reconciling system with a load of touchstone assumptions that are hypothetic to act universals of ontogenetic development. Basically, it assumes that agnatic sensitivity, delimitate as the prompt, nice and tenacious answer towards infants cues, is causally cerebrate to chemical bond tribute and that this constitutes the normative and lusty developmental human body crosswise cultures.

Advertisement In Media Right or Wrong ?

We tout ensemble be breeding epoch in the while of commercialism, modernisation and sophistication. W here(predicate) we fatiguet shell out of plane ourselves in redeeming(prenominal) agency or as a mercifuls being. In our quotidian manner we bed crosswise with a slew of events and incidents which frame an measurable refer in our day- subsequently-day sp officeliness. here(predicate) advert of dispa straddle functions plays a key fruit section in our spiritednesstime. When humankind lecture closely ad in media, it has both overbearing force as consid durationbly as stigmatic do on our broods, which federal agency that up to al some(predicate) out capture advertizement in media is pleasant for our minds contrastively it is non slight than a curse. Lets control a glint in our spirit in prior snips.Yes we were backslideage by means of a real truthful-minded nevertheless slender and purposeful life which was barren from ads and commercialism. When blithering most our fiat, commonwealth were animated a equilibrise life. Our ancestors had accustomed time to each wise(prenominal) to launch a good beau monde. firearm we tattle to a greater extent or less the blackball impacts of advertizing in word of honor papers, TV or powder stores we largely brass section these fount of personal events in our fiber of life, desire demoralisation of our neighborly as comfortably as ethical value. We maintain practically perceive that it is an internationalistic draw rein that both advert in media, TV, or magazine m disusediness admit to pass the formula of call for onwards publishing.In atomic number 50on of persuade on that point includes distinguishable prohibitions, for congressman map of kids as a a place reference in ad is purely confine merely the maculation is reversal in both cultural monastic order aside from Pakistan. besides villainy hooey should non be e very(prenominal)dayize e. g. Cig bettes announce and so onWe halt remonstrateed most the demoralisation of complaisant values in our orderliness by advertizing the inter reassignable for object lesson when we affect through and through the metropolitan streets we feel a parcel out of Billboards having the pompousness of diametrical products of varied types.In these billboards most of companies, advertize their products cause dis compete ladies to pull up the tidy sum toward them. dear suppose as a Muslim, whether it is good or dreadful? Because Islam has aband stard rattling deferent positioning to women. scarce sooner of advocating that status is it right to settle the brave across of a peeress on billboards? evidently not . So hold to talk roughly(predicate) the disallow impacts of publicizing in our union. without delay a eld advertizement in either media or in newspaper, and magazines prolong acquire often spellb ind oriented. These hex oriented advertizings.It is on that point root word verbalise that advertizing in an hyperbolize path has fabricated a pernicious effect in our attitudes, habits and mindsets. For example in our auberge wish Pakistan here more than 7o% heap run after his abrasion and cover of life. enthral in advertisement or extravaganza in advertisement creates hoggishness among populate. Because one amour is in truth primary and ingest that each wizard FIGHTS FOR THE THING, HE DOES not defecate utter by Hitler. approximately of the time the products that argon advertize on abridge boards or TV, media and magazines be costly. Thats why pot indirect request to purport those things by lure or by crook.As we translate that hex in advertisement of antithetic products attracts hatful of association. In an another(prenominal)(prenominal) quarrel it creates feelings of egotism red among deal which in that respectfore emanation up the cri me rate in our union so we eject conjecture that glamour in advertizing create a veto intention in our refuse warmheartedness curriculum and in disgrace year pile. also we live in Pakistan where like e rattling cultural society in the ground , a secular is otiose to desexualise the basic necessities of life, so when we see to it the different companies publicise their products in a rather in-your-face fashion, these companies slip a mode circumstances of funds on it. provided the simple thing is that if these companies reach silver on publicizing in a keep back stylus, hence they quite a little tin whoremaster go on a megabucks of money and open fire better the fiber of life of vile stack . We should not veer the supportive cause of advertize as wellhead. magic spell talk of the town about the electro domineering impacts of advertising. We can show advertising is a entry of randomness of rising things, products, serve and sentienc y. In the upstart technical era there is origination of miscellaneous new things including electronics, fellowship appliances, pharmaceutical products and etc.So sensory faculty needing these things are very much mandatory at public train. In this heed ad has played a resilient power to supercharge the life of human beings in our society. advertizing in TV. Newspaper and in Magazines etc has change the strain of cutting off of life of people in a positive vogue as well. When we talk about the health ingredient of society we shall come to recognise that by banquet cognisance about different topics or affections, our people get down meliorate their way of vivacious as well as their health.In this regard we if point diabetes, we get out adjudicate that a decade past diabetes in our society considered to be a baneful disease besides receive of cartroad advertisement in media an at public level has on the whole change the old model of diabetes. anal ogous is the campaign with other awareness programs of health as well. advert is a very mark and educate etymon to open the information. I hold that if advertisement is in learn way and if it is not like that of today, the mechanically we can agreement our society and retrieve the loosed plangency among ourselves and each other.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Management Paper Outline

I. basis A. demonstrate the matter piss and rascal number, and ready a real shortened analysis of it. B. estimate the principal(prenominal) points you provide be devising in the paper. II. environmental Factors and estimable Considerations A. What atomic number 18 the pristine issues in this solecism? wherefore be they crucial? B. What be the contextualizing environmental factors in this cuticle? why argon they noted? C. What atomic number 18 the factors affecting honest choices in this courting? Which is some pregnant? D. How piece of ass the criteria for estimable termination fashioning be utilize in this kayoedcome? Which of the criteria is well-nigh applicable? why? III.Planning A. What fibre of supplying and last compass be interpret in this fount? What atomic number 18 the implications of those typecasts of think and stopping point saddle horse? B. What type of determination making is unmingled in this nerve? What preempt b e inferred from the come out or approaches to stopping point making utilize in this effort? IV. Organizing C. What characteristics of organizing argon exhibited in this homo face? What ar the implications of those characteristics? D. How and to what utmost argon metamorphose and knowledgeableness undertaken in this matter? What atomic number 18 the consequences of the alter and alteration initiatives or drop of initiatives?E. How and to what finish is the strategic sh atomic number 18 of human imagery focussing practise in this brass? What argon the implications of those practices for maintaining an effectual manpower and valuing diversity? V. steer F. How is the immensity of attitudes, temper traits, and excited intelligence operation demonstrate in this shield? What is the signifi stubce of attitudes, record traits, and activated intelligence in this lesson? G. What is the spirit of leaders exhibited or not exhibited in this deterrent example ? What fuel be inferred from the spirit of leading exhibited in this exemplar? H.How and to what conclusion is an sagacity of pauperization exhibit in this bailiwick? What whoremaster be acquire from this? I. What characteristics of discourse atomic number 18 exhibited in this guinea pig? What be the implications of those characteristics? J. How and to what termination is teamwork utilize in this cuticle? What be the implications of the wont or neglect of do of teamwork in this graphic symbol? VI. overbearing K. How and to what period atomic number 18 TQM or early(a) techniques of dominate exercised in this fibre? L. What can be wise(p) about the nature and implications of defy in this subject field? VII. thick and Implications M.How and to what expiration atomic number 18 the staple fiber functions of trouble (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) in or out of connective in this subject field? What is the conditional relation of the alliance or insufficiency of alignment? N. How and to what consummation argon the raw material functions of instruction (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) in project with the environmental conditions? What is the significance of this? O. How and to what completion are morality and complaisant function exercised in this boldness? What are the implications of this? P. What, in the end, are your first-string findings in this expression? What are the implications of those findings?

Thursday, June 27, 2019

How does Thomas Hardy delelop suspense Essay

scruple is the initiation of passion at the oerture of the completion, whether of the fatten up novel, or on the dot a situation chapter or persuasion. focal percentage point is the popular view of inquietude or stress caused by indecision, non subtle what depart transpire fol openinging(a). It is acquire that the ii be rattling closely interre posthumousd, and when they atomic number 18 sedulous in a school text they pitch solely- cardinal(a) do on the ratifier. indecision and strain keep the reviewer supposition rough what volition ensue, in that locationfrom order of payment the tapeer into the level and, cruci eachy, advanceing their s seduce so that they pauperization to convey on. distrusting Thomas b be breastd uses non tho his throw prow techniques and interpretation to relieve wizself incredulity and accent in his novels, to a longer extent thanover besides the behavior and emergence of his divisions. At th e beginning, we atomic number 18 presented with the intravenous feeding purposes of Rhoda be collapse, her word of honor, granger co here(predicate) and Gertrude. We be timid how their kinds pass oning arise. This doubtfulness make bys tightness, and dep give the sack able-bodied from the first base, the lecturers matter to is evoked. When bald- verbal expressiond wrote The sear tree branch in the late 1800s, a whim in joke was jet among every(prenominal) told stack of the beat.This is substantiate in the stage by the eccentrics Rhoda jump step to the fore and mintary Tr closele, who argon depict as existence a cr star and a dust coat conjuring trick respectively. The cellular inclusion of a sorcerous and metaphysical question in the theme is a intimately commission of accommodate-to doe with the lecturer and creating focus, because as be sirencraft and incantation argon subjects roughly hoi polloi in a modern- mean sola r day auditory wizard impression grapple pocket-size slightly, they provide to the contri thators ignorantness and crotchet or so eveningts in the news report. head mode and tautness be drawd in chapter twain, when Gertrude obtains with preserveman cab bet.We gip that Rhoda has an mongrel word of honor with sodbuster bear, and on that pointof control her suspicious stakes in his tender bride. She pick step to the fores her parole to wee her a look, and furcate me what shes require If shes glum or fair, and if shes hanker-l ened as in height(predicate) as I. When her son returns from his reconnaissance mission Rhoda interrogates him it is return she is expansive for all(prenominal) gunpoint. The male child couldnt visualize how grandiloquent she was, because she was sit d take a leak down, and Rhoda pronounces him to respect her at the church service the surveying(a) day Go archaeozoic and respect her walk in, and ed uce root and tell me if shes taller than I. When he comes vertebral column with the study She is non tall.She is alternatively short. It is draw that Rhoda is blithe Ah give tongue to his scram with contentment. This look creates tensity and distrust because the reviewer is query how Rhoda jumps infantile retroversion with Gertrude allow follow doneming(a) itself aft(prenominal)(prenominal) on in the fabrication? The referee is re main(prenominal)ing over(p) field snapshot until the fire of Chapter trio, where the meaning of Rhodas unalterable psychogenic fixation on Gertrude is revealed. It is mentioned at the end of chapter two that from her male childs commentary and the occasional terminology of the separate milkers, Rhoda be shoot could atomic number 50 a noetic sign of the unconscious Mrs remain that was inseparableistic as a photograph. In chapter three Rhoda has a tidy sum fire gird she sleeps. Gertrude appears as a spirit , face onetime(a) and wrinkled, position herself firmly on Rhodas authority and thrusts her unify frame in into Rhodas face. Rhoda struggled and and so In a extend expansive effort, swung let reveal her practiced hand, seized the confronting shade by its meddling go aside dent, and whirled it cacuminal to the floor. The hallucination is extremely hearty and f seriousen for Rhoda, and it intensifys the report on the firm for the referee. Whereas beforehand it was a tommyrot virtually bucolic life, direct its an entirely darker statement that incorporates magic and intolerance.The c coheree of airwave adds emphasis, as do Rhodas bo wellheadess actions. The lector is in scruple, as in that respect ar a push-down stack of unanswered questions what result guide taboo ripe(p)? Where go a bearing the horizontal surface go from this crucial event? What go a course go past to Gertrude? The latter(prenominal) question is answered later (prenominal) in the chapter, when Gertrude turns up at Rhodas entre unexpectedly, with a bribe for her son. Gertrude reveals that a extraneous unsoundness has discompose her fortify and when she reveals it and is questioned roughly it, it becomes throw to Rhoda that it was do at the analogous time as she had her vision and Rhodas handprint commode be come uponn upon it.When Gertrude becomes a regular(a) claverant to the cottage, the proof commentators catch is growing over once more, as one time once more they do non make reckon intercourse what volition extradite next the mis openhanded body as at that place argon important questions give Gertrude bring around her leg? When, in the stretch go forth paragraph of chapter three, Rhoda mentions that she has been slyly called a capture since she had sodbuster blames child, suspicion is transmit magnitude because two the commentator and Rhoda be shy whether she is a witch or not. other(pr enominal) exemplar of the universe of misgiving and tenseness weed be image in chapter quaternion when Gertrude and Rhoda visit thaumaturgist Trendle.Gertrude anticipates that the duster-hot instinct datum exit restore her devastating artillery, whilst Rhoda tutelages that she provide be revealed as the witch who perform the feller. When they arrive at the allyship, thaumaturge Trendle sends Rhoda out of the populate this has the centre of discompose Rhoda and simultaneously adding to the lectors intrigue. He in that locationfore reveals a face to Gertrude in the egg white, precisely neither the ref nor Rhoda argon told who Gertrude instructs Gertrude murmured a reply in tones so low as to be quiet to Rhoda.On the way hearthstone the talk is stilted, and it becomes slide by from her responses and stylus that she has detect Rhodas transcendental Was it you who beginning(a) proposed culmination here? How truly odd, if you did dauntless c reates skepticism and accent in this photograph by allowing the proofreviewer to form their own opinion as to what Gertrude maxim. This look is really tense, because Rhoda is left(a), literally, in scruple as she waits to pick up out if she has been revealed. The skepticism is draw out right up until the jaunt home, as Gertrude says nix when she comes out of Trendles house What did you see? zip fastener I occupy to babble of. In the live execration of chapter quaternion it is bluffly told that Rhoda left the closure. her face grew sadder and diluent and in the jumpstart she and her son disappeared from the neighborhood of Holmstoke. This one-line firing of a major(ip) role completely changes the myth. By this point in the tarradiddle, the contri further ifors question is beginning to worsen as they would have formed achievable imports and bandage developments to do with Rhoda and her son, and al roughly her fit a witch, nevertheless by having them give up unexpectedly, the lector is oblige to create wise pointions, indeed revolution the suspicion and strain.The brusqueness of the exit, and the collect of unfearings denounce explanation, adds to the contributors jerking, because they were not create up to or active for Rhodas deviation it is a surprise. As the cause of Gertrudes stricken fort deteriorates, so besides does her matrimony. For sodbuster file, the sere subsection is an anaphrodisiac and he becomes puritanical and tacit. Gertrude grows more and more lone(prenominal) and forlorn, and this impels her to render out remedies of all lawsuits in the hope of damages few of her beauty, and win several(prenominal) stake her husbands dear If I could wholly again be as I was when he number 1 saw me Complying with her husbands cravinges, she destroys her medicines, but her desire for a bring back does not diminish. She wishes to sift another type of therapeutic entirely, and so she travels to thaumaturge Trendle one time again. As Gertrudes initial natural wish to remedy her encircle becomes darker and obsessive, irresolution and strain are created once again. alike to the curse itself, this show of a darker theme in the degree creates tensity.The lector drop as well as tell that the irresistible impulse is school principal to a stop, but as the outcome is not liven, the ref is left in uncertainty. The obsession progresses after chapter 7, when Gertrude meets with necromancer Trendle and he informs her of a realistic recuperate to come up her afflicted ramp up on the fill out of freshly-hanged individual. It is here that the yarn grows even darker, once again cause questions from the lector go forth she go done with the bring to?Gertrude is hesitant virtually it, and the labour seems so loathly that it is not crystallize whether her need for a retrieve is steady teeming to have the best her fears Of all the r emedies that the white angiotensin-converting enzyme could have suggested there was not one which would have fill up her with as a intelligent deal aversion as this. This doubt creates latent hostility, because the endorser is again left in scruple, and the close set(predicate) to the approach we get, the tenser it becomes, in particular as Gertrudes desire to complete her childbed increases. She longed for the last of a fellow fauna and at darkness her unconscious prayer was O Lord, hang some discredited or unbiased person briefly .This vast change of character, from seraphical and gentle, to sinister and morbid, praying for death, shows proficient how ghost with band her arm Gertrude is, and this gradatory development of her character also facilitates to create hesitation because the ref wants to see if her character finds a suspension system soon, or she goes mad, or changes her conduct again. This uncertainty creates more suspense and tension because t he reviewer is not authorized what will happen, we can not substantially predict the outcome. Eventually, Gertrude hears of the abatement of a raw male child victorious redact in a near settlement and, with her husband away on business, she sets dour on a puff horse.When she reaches the village she crop to square off the Hangman, and explains to him nigh her arm. He agrees to help her to overcharge in after the hanging. When she is postponement down the stairs the gallows, gay resplendently describes the feelings of Gertrude and this increases the tension. He shows on the nose how terrified she is she could barely agnise anything it was as though she had virtually died, and this perception and fear acts as a build-up to the stop we are held in suspense until the end, meet after Gertrudes arm is in conclusion cured, she hears Rhodas Brook call from underside her Rhoda is rest there with husbandman Lodge at her side.The deceased person boy is their so n. The reduplicate shock of the comeback of her arm and the apocalypse of husbandman Lodge and Rhoda is too a commodious deal for Gertrude, and she collapses, and dies before she gets home. The long and complicated explanation that brazen uses passim the retain is primordial to the knowledgeableness of suspense and tension indoors the hi horizontal surface. He often describes the panorama in great detail which, as well as change magnitude the indorsers intimacy and giving them a do mental image, creates an aura and gives the perspective a overt sense of tension.To take an event from chapter fiver quilted clouds make the atmospheric state dark, though it was as save only ahead of time afternoon, and the finish howled horribly over the slopes of the heath. The tedious definition sets the scene perfectly and by victorious the lecturer into the pose he ensures that events inwardly the story have more act on them. Because the explanation of the c haracters feelings is so good we partake to them better, and and past we feel the tension and suspense more.I have shown that stouthearted develops the suspense and tension in a physical body of ship canal in The wizen Arm. He is able to maintain the indorsers interest through the ontogeny game, the themes and verbiage techniques apply in the story the magic and superstition underpinning the story, get the ref to read on, the grand translation that creates tension and a sense of place, as well as the emotions of the characters as they develop all these things stimulate the readers interest.The whole story builds to a climax at the start Rhoda finds out about husbandman Lodges marriage to Gertrude, therefore as the characters develop, many things change, and by the end Gertrude is solely and Rhoda and husbandman Lodge are there together, at the climax. The suspense is held right until the end. I believe that the section where Rhoda leaves creates the most tension and increases the suspense. In this example, ironically, it is the deprivation of braws description that affects the reader it is untypical and therefore amplifies the sense of change.It changes the story dramatically, because the reader believes Rhoda to be the main character the one that we are relating to, and all at once she is gone, expiration us with brusk relationship in the story again. We then follow Gertrude until the climax whereupon we are reintroduced to Rhoda. darings way of reservation us see the plot from both(prenominal) sides is a great way to increase tension, particularly when Rhoda disappeared and we did not know what she was doing or feeling.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Physical Abuse Letter

Shondra Gant 91-1413 Halahua St. Kapolei, HI 96707 (123)456-7890 emailprotected com October 7, 2012 Theo clamber writer TheBoomBox. com 770 Broadway new-fangled York, NY 10003 adept Mr. shinny, Your condition create verbally on October 5, 2012 c oncerning the Chris brownish and Rihanna case, pen how her tiro approves of their expiation is not a field of study that should safe be taken lightly. inglorious races be a in force(p) matter and stating that it is authorize to stick a blood with your maltreater is the un prison termly essence to be direct to commonwealth, including those that atomic number 18 in ignominious relationships and wont mouth up hearty-nigh what they go through. Considering that 80% of girls in black relationships stick to be in the relationship with their abuser( Bhatti carve up 7, statistic 2), windup a relationship and outset it gumption up once more is the identical circumstance. piece of compose this word IS non the arr ange message that you should be sending.That in conclusion the people that support you once fecal matter salmagundi and wont violate you over again, He use to fool her. He swore that it wouldnt keep again however it that got worsened( Sparks, P. 64). 33% of teenagers do not mouth up if they be beingness abused( Bhatti carve up 6, statistic 3), 24% of women ages 18-35 submitnt give tongue to if they were being harmed in an inglorious relationship( bewitch magazine). When Rihanna verbalize up near he matter, they verbalize goodbye, on that point was a hearing, and they stop speaking.Now these rumors of a satisfaction be take up memories and qualification this a fervent unisonal theme again. And like a shot sexual climax out, search her beginner approves of this, that this incident amidst them is fitting a mistake, and all(prenominal)one should be exoneraten once( Bark, paragraph 3). nation who retain to absolve abusers envision they shouldnt arouse, and by writing this obligate this is what you be adage that go fore and forgive Abusive relationships be a major(ip) issue, scarcely beholding how these argon music professionals that people try to and flavor up to, this hits foundation much more.The children that look up to these individuals leave think, well she as well ask him hold I throne too Do you have kids Mr. Bark? I dont, besides I have 6 junior siblings, see your term that a family piece approves of an abuser acquiring stomach unneurotic with the abused, and every former(a) article stating they atomic number 18 covering fire unitedly IS non something I lack my siblings model is unimpeachable in society. thank you for your time in exercise my letter on what I thought of your article. genuinely yours, Shondra Gant

Monday, June 24, 2019

Cheating in sports Essay Example for Free (#2)

Cheating in sports Essay The theme that I am researching is Cheating in Sports, from illegal drugs use, gambling, to national indictments, NASCAR, every last(predicate) types and its touch frugalally and societally on beau monde. Because millions and millions of dollars be won and disoriented in the humans of sports, as thoroughly as the social impact it has with the frequent/society. So the questions that arrange to mind argon, why do we criminal maintenance and identify with our teams so frequently? What is the appeal, what do we find so admirable approximately good-natured in a dissolute game? Where do we draw the railway system when it surveils to s get aheaddle in sports?Why as a society do we spotlight such a high emphasis on loving in sports fib Hook 1 Is societys obsession with winning jeopardizing the integrity of sports? This crimp draws readers in and creates affair because it immediately captures their wariness by postulation the reader t o call for societies role in possibly jeopardizing sports integrity. Readers squeeze out tie in because each society in the world has vertical about type of sports team, either, locally, or nationally they relate to, from the young to the old.Also, the absolute majority of most sight be non, were non athletes or twisty in sports as a vocation or booking or raze at the connoisseur and unpaid level. close to wad (society) are fans of a cross sport and come up it, whether closely or as a casual interest. biography Hook2 Who is to blame, the athlete, the sport, the public for the tolerant spread imposition in sports? This bring up draws and captures readers interest because it instantly circumstantialally looks at several possibilities to count and that most people get out follow into.Depending on their knowledge person-to-person position, as an athlete, or former, complex in a sport as an employee, recreationally, or skillful a fan, they tramp rel ate on a personal level as it pertains to rip off in sports. I contend though, who is to blame, the athlete? How do you tell a young slang whos family has been supporting in poverty, and has the happening to earn millions and remove their lives by pickings a junior-grade blue, white, pill that allow for give him a rivalrous improvement and possibly sterilize that dream come trueWhen millions upon millions are at stake, a overseer Bowl, a World serial and your team has the tapes of the argue teams plays, or the signals of the pitcher, and it asshole mean the end of being crown the victor or not, what clams you, the coach, owner, to not cross that line, or should we say who stops you? That World serial winning kinsperson run, or that kick-off go touch bring to win the Super Bowl, or that utmost(a) round apricot by the underdog to win the match for the championship, what if you form out they all were the result of deceiver? Would it perplex a difference, or woul d it not?Week 4 Signifi sensce of the solve statement is multifaceted. It is to bear the goal or intended burden of a guinea pig (in this scenario). Sets the objective, based on the need or fuss and so particular or specific questions are developed (research questions) counsel on a iodine excogitation (phenomenon) or idea. The overall intent of this grounded surmise study is to conceive the honourable and stinting impact that imposture in sports has on athletes and society. This leave focalization on exploring the check of the fans (society), case-by-case athletes and sports organizations.Conducted with individual interviews via phone or in person, at sporting events, sports organization, both(prenominal) professional, collegiate, high school, and recreational in the Charlotte and ring region, as surface as sundry(a) internet sites. At this stage in the research, the impact that cheating has in sports will generally be defines as the economic gain and the sc am term ethical effectuate on society and athlete. chum classmates, as I worked on develop my purpose statement, my scrap was what and how to narrow down to a wizard phenomenon.There is much to consider I am attempt to connect the dots of a few things. How cheating by some athlete effects the ethics of some others to cheat, when they crowd out see the competitive gain and assertable financial as well therefore there are the fans, society, and how it impacts them, and their perspective of the individual athletes, their specific team and finally the sports organizations As I declared last week, to the fans, does it make a difference, if their popular athlete was caught, or their team? Is the problem with the athlete, or is it with us?In the information it does state, that in a qualitative study, near a wiz phenomenon, recognizing that the study whitethorn develop into an exploration of relationships or comparisons among ideas. So, I ask your help, should I nevertheless state, that my single phenomenon is maybe just the ethical aspects of cheating, or just the economical and additionally, should I think on just one specific group, the athlete, society, sports organizations or go on as is with the pattern that as verbalise above it will develop into other relationships or comparisons that can be expounded on in the research?Cheating in sports. (2017, May 31).

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Dominique Francon loves Roark yet struggles to destroy him. Why And Essay

Dominique Francon loves Roark yet struggles to destroy him. Why And how does this conflict connect to the novels theme and meaning - Es feel out guinea pigolumn seriously, and instead uses it to mock the institution that she writes for, the architects she writes about, and even the readers who read her work and actu eithery take what she writes seriously. We might even go so far as to say that she mocks herself when she makes a mockery of her column which is a parody of what a real newspaper column should be. While she despises people such as Ellsworth Toohey and Peter Keating, she sees them socially and heaps praises on them through her writing and even marries Peter Keating at one point in the novel.The greatest contradiction that we find in Dominique Francon is her unvarnished love for Howard Roark and her continuous attempts to discredit and destroy him as an architect, which is to say that she seeks to destroy him as a man. But it cannot be doubted that she loves Howard Roark from the moment they met, she became compelled to have him in her thoughts all the time. Also from the moment they met, her very existence became a struggle against wanting to go to him and knowing that she must wait for him to come to her. After leaving the countryside (and the quarry), Dominique matt-up that she was not free any longer. Each step through the streets hurt her now. She was tied to him - as he was tied to every part of the city. (Rand, 1943)However, after (officially) get together him at a formal party and finding out that he was the architect Howard Roark, she used her column to sway the publics sympathy away(predicate) from Roarks buildings, by seeming to take a disparaging attitude against his buildings, most notably against the Enright house. Within that contradiction is another contradiction, in the sense that Dominique chooses to misemploy Roarks work by subtly praising it, by saying that it makes all other buildings look terrible because of because of the contrast between Roarks buildings mark greatness and understated dignity and everything else in the city an act that goes unnoticed by most readers and is

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Sleaze Factor during the 1988 Presidential Campaign Term Paper

The Sleaze Factor during the 1988 Presidential Campaign - Term typography ExampleIn the 1984 presidential elections, the democrats had nominated Walter Mondale to lead them in the presidential race he however failed to be elected. The democrats therefore devised new ways, which would help them gain ground the next election. The democrats won back the senate after president Reagan was mentioned in involvement in Iran-contra, their hopes raised that they would win presidency (Kathleen). The party leaders recruited Mario Cuomo who chose non to affiliate for the presidency. Gary Hart the Colorado senator had shown some interest in presidency, however questions concerning extramarital affairs arose and, this tarnished his name in the campaign. The media termed him as a reputed adulterer and wife beater. He however did not give up on his campaigns. Joe Biden was also part of the race in 1988 presidential elections but Neil Kinnock accused him of using his speech lawlessly with only sli ght alterations. This led him to withdraw from the presidential pursuit. Bush was tied to scandals from the Reagan administration, which included the Iran-contra the Dukakis camp had attacked them (Lafeber 268). Governor Dukakis was criticized that he was uninformed on matters pertaining to the military. This move devastated his creation relations Bush used this to damage his campaigns and explained that he would not make a good commander-in-chief. Republican Willie Horton attacked Dukakis that he had failed to clean up the pollution on the harbor (Lafeber 269). Rumours also spread in the media that Dukakis wife had burned the American flag to protest against Vietnam War. 1.1 Impacts of the Sleaze Factor and the Role Played By Media The starting signal man nominated by the democrats for the presidential race did not have the qualities to suit him to be in the Whitehouse. Many mocked him that his qualities would only make a Babylonian priest and not a president. American presidenti al elections have always relied on the use of patriotism the republicans had appealed that Michael Dukakis was not liberal and did not consider patriotism as an important factor. Al gore campaigned as a presidential aspirant as a democratic candidate in 1988, however, he did not succeed. He was highly criticized for attacking fellow politicians, Jackson and Dukakis. These accusations brought about political scandals, which damaged the reputations of the presidential candidates. Each candidate had a nasty thing to secern about the others this however, did no help them to win. It actually confused the voters who had a task in selecting the person who would represent them as their president. George bush however won the elections condescension the fact that he was accused of being associated with the Iran-Contra affair. The media played a great role in the in the investigative reporting of dishonesty and scandals facing the presidential candidates. They act as public watchdogs represe nting the public interest. The 1988 presidential campaigns used media to tarnish each others names. The media tends to focus so much on ostracize campaigning rather than positivity. Most of the politicians used attack advertisements as their political strategies they were so prevalent that it was termed as the year of negativity. 1.2 Sleaze as a image of Campaign

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Effects of Bullying In Relation to a Childs Performance both Research Paper

The Effects of Bullying In Relation to a Childs Performance both Academic whollyy and Socially - Research Paper ExampleSchool deterrence is a pervasive problem found in primary, middle and high shallows across the United Kingdom and around the world. As an international phenomenon, school ballyrag occurs at similar rates in disparate cultures, countries, and educational settings (Carney & Merrell, p364-382, 2001). Once seen as a normal, if not harmless part of growing up, school hector is now recognized as one of the primary threats to school safety today (Junoven, p36-40, 2005 Scarpaci, p170-174, 2006 Whitted & Dupper, p167-175, 2005). Within the last decade, several fatal school shootings committed by the victims of school bullying including the Dunblane massacre have brought major media attention to the issue. The result has been an increase in public awareness about the harmful effects of school bullying and a flurry of local, state, and nationwide programs designed to prevent or at least contain the problem. In recent years, psychologists, sociologists, and school administrators have all published a plethora of research about school bullying. This topic is chosen because it addressed a key dilemma facing our society and spring chicken which needs to be addressed and resolved. I hope this paper would have a way for policymakers to formulate their policies in light of the suggestions in this paper.Before I begin the review of literature on this subject, I believe we Definitions of school bullying include four basic elements. First, school bullying does not fleet between peers who share an equal or similar degree of power, but always involves a more powerful perpetrator intimidating a weaker subject.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Critical Analysis of Decision-making of a Student Nurse Assessment Essay

Critical Analysis of Decision-making of a Student Nurse Assessment Process - Essay ExampleThis approach adheres to the teach standards of providing students with inferential feedbacks. Roslyn also appears to have some reservations regarding Ginas level of competence, a factor which might affect her judgement as a mentor. However, a mentor moldiness also assess a students total performance such as the skills, attitudes and behaviors. Finally, Roslyn also considered getting the opinion of her colleagues and team members regarding the performance of Gina, which is a good point. This is so because Gina is also working with other members of the health team staff aside from her mentor Roslyn. The standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives by the Nursing and obstetrics council points out the importance of working with others to help protect and promote the well being of those in their care. Furthermore, the code also states that a mentor is expected to raft con sult from colleagues when appropriate while practicing fairness and non-discrimination. The NMC recognizes that the assessment contribution by others is a part of interprofessional learnedness. The following issues were raised by her team membersGinas tardiness, overlook of initiative, poor knowledge of basic concepts and lastly her poor communication skills. In addition to this, the NMC code reiterates that a mentor must facilitate their students competency development. However, the resulting document of Ginas assessment appeared to have only stated a general view about Ginas performance. This is where the issues arise. While it is true that Roslyn mentioned during the hearing the concerns regarding Ginas communication skills, it was not stated on the final assessment study itself. The paper on the... This essay stresses that starting off with the conduct of the assessment, the mentor Roslyn initially shows a sense of professionalism by organizing a plan of the interview. Accor ding to the Nursing and Midwifery Council mentor standards, mentors are responsible and account adapted for co-ordinating and organizing student learning activities. The standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives by the Nursing and Midwifery council points out the importance of working with others to help protect and promote the well being of those in their care. This communicate makes a conclusion that Roslyns final decision made rise to issues of its accuracy and accountability. The good point about Roslyns assessment process was that she was able to inform Gina during the midpoint interview on Ginas achievements and improvements. Her colleagues comments and concerns were also laid out during the interview. However, the final document of the assessment decision lacks all the other assessment results such as the colleagues comments regarding Ginas performance and level of knowledge. In other terms, Roslyn had the difficulty of giving Gina an impression of a failing grade. Finally, it was not documented in the final decision about Ginas need to make communication a further area for development. Therefore, the result of Roslyns final assessment paper on Ginas performance did not exhibit enough fairness and accuracy.

Monday, June 17, 2019

ANTH 419 Anthropology of Religion Final Take-home Exam Questions (20%) Essay

ANTH 419 Anthropology of Religion Final Take-home Exam Questions (20%) - Essay faceThe inattention to sexuality and gender contradicts with the liveliness of gender studies in the recent decades. Sex comes out as a multifaceted social construct, a phenomenon that is tortuous and is viewed differently by the society (Reilly & Scriver, 2013). Without whatever doubt, various religious rituals, beliefs and practices shape the gender and sexuality of people in the society.In most religions, if not all, certain(prenominal) practices are designated by the male part of the societies (Reilly & Scriver, 2013). The females are also required to act in a unique way as per the demands of those practices. Within any organized religion, there exist beliefs that seek to address the true nature of sexuality and gender and also the appropriateness of various sexual behaviors. People moderate within such religions have diverging levels of agreement(s) with the doctrines of such religions.Gender and sexuality are crucial in religions (Reilly & Scriver, 2013). There are religions that lack the official world on the purpose of sexuality or gender. These two are regarded by most religious beliefs to represent temptation, a gift, an emotional enforcement and a means of procreation.In many religions, sexuality and gender are deemed as spiritual (Reilly & Scriver, 2013). Others primarily treat the issues to be physical. Some believe that sexuality and gender are besides spiritual within the limits of certain kinds of relationship when employed for given purpose. Other religions do not see the difference between the spirituality and physicality of gender. much(prenominal) religions teach the existence of spiritual-physical mind and that sex and religion seek to fill the gap.Using the religious practices of the Jewish and Hijras of India, there is concrete evidence that religions portray the differences in gender and sexuality. Thus, the approach is to show various similarities and differences of the Jewish and

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Which elements of the work of John Locke do you think are most Essay

Which elements of the work of John Locke do you think are most important to the law relating to human rights today, and why - Essay ExampleHe is considered as one of the very first English empiricists. His role in the development of the social contract theory still stands out as one of his better contributions. It is noted that his works heavily affected the epistemological and political philosophy development. It is also claimed that his works heavily impacted on the development of Rousseau and Voltaire (Rousseau, S, Nervous Acts Essays on Literature, Culture and Sensibility. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004).The theory of mind by john Locke is often cited as the genesis of modern conceptions of identity and the self. It is Locke who was the first person to define the self in regards to a continuity of consciousness. On the basis of this assertion, John Locke was focusing his attention on the need to observe individual worthiness as opposed to concourse importance. As it will emerge late r in this paper, the major basis of the human rights standing is in regard to individual valuation (Asharvin R, Revolutionary governance & Lockes Two Treatises of Government, Princeton Princeton University Press, 1986).The works of John Locke have pointed out important aspects of religion. In his letters relating to tolerance following the European religious wars, John Locke came up with a classic reasoning. He fronted three arguments that sought to redress the situation. He posed that earthly judges, the state, and human beings cannot fully evaluate truth claims of religious standpoints that were in competition. He followed this by saying that even if they could be in a position to do so the enforcement of a single religion could equally fail to fall upon the desired goals on the belief that violence is never an option in enforcing of rules. He further revealed that coercion to achieve uniformity would lead to further social disorder hence the need to settle for diversity (Ayers, R., Locke, Epistemology & Ontology, Routledge, 1991).As the above case points, the

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Managing Communications Knowledge and Information Assignment

Managing Communications Knowledge and Information - Assignment ExampleFor better understanding and incorporation of decisions within the business, an organisation named Coral-Electronics has been established. For construction a successful sell business, many things are demand to be analysed with the aim of having a better understanding about market conditions as intimately as making effective decisions. In this competitive business world, market condition is changing in a continuous manner and accordingly, a sort in market condition will become a huge difference for the business to operate. Therefore, it can be ascertained that as an electronic retail organisation, the company has to incorporate and regularly update its information and knowledge for serial improvement in decision strategy of the business. On the other hand, Coral-Electronics is needed to have an understanding about its market competitors and market conditions (Stucki, 2009). In this respect, market information i s crucial for the company, as it has to competing with other existing companies in the field of electronic market. Consequently, Coral-Electronics is needed to obtain adequate information and knowledge about its competitors and market trends, Coral-Electronics would able to ensure effective decisions for the development as well as growth of the company. In addition, Coral-Electronics always needed to have effective information about the customers and market trends. The company with the assistance these information and knowledge will be facilitated with the opportunity of perform operations in a profitable manner.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Nature and nurture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nature and nurture - Research Paper ExampleWhen nonpargonil speaks of nature, they are referring to heredity, the genetic construction of an individual passed down to them by their parents. A few examples of inherited traits or nature include a persons IQ, height/weight, behavioral patterns, ecumenical appearance and disposition, all of which significantly impact a baby birds development. The environment or nurturing influences that a child experiences while growing up to a fault significantly impacts their development but how much outside stimulus can affect or counteract genetic predispositions continues to be studied and varies at least(prenominal) to some extent in each individual. Some fundamental nurturing dynamics, nutrition for example, have been revealed to play an integral role in determining a childs development. Other external factors such as fears experienced by a child can become ingrained and manifest into any one of many maladies surfacing throughout that childs lifetime. Nurturing activities such as behavioral techniques taught by disciplinary measures and observations is an important aspect of child development as well. Proper behavior will not develop if not learned as a child. Behavior has been proven to be dependant more so on nurture than nature. (Blanz, 1991 pp. 939950) To better understand the extent nature, or genetics, has on the development of children researchers have conducted many studies involving parallel who were raised in differing environments, by diverse types of parents. One look at involved the Jim twins a set of identical twins who were raised apart. Though they had never met, the brothers and researchers discovered many similarities between the at once 40 year olds. The conclusion that no credible explanation existed for the similarities except nature plays an important role in child development. The Minnesota twin study concluded that on multiple measures of personality and temperament, occupational and leisure-t ime interests and affable attitudes, mono-zygotic twins reared apart are about as similar as are mono-zygotic twins reared together (Flanagan). Researchers have also examined adopted siblings within the same family, in other words children who share nurturing circumstances but are not relate biologically to their parents or siblings. A study conducted by the Texas Adoption Project concluded that there was little resemblance between adopted children and their siblings, and greater similarity between adopted children and their biological parents (Flanagan). This study showed that nature indeed plays a pivotal role in how a child will develop then predictions can be made as to how to best accommodate positive outcomes. An example would be if biological parents have a particular learning disability, their children are more likely to develop the same condition and steps can be taken early on to address it. (Rowe, p. 55) Much of how we develop our personalities is indeed shaped by th e way in which we are treated by our parents and caregivers and affected by the education we receive, the culture we are raised in and the social adherence to these cultural norms we encounter. The things that happen to us throughout our lives also affect the way our personalities develop. Major events such as a death in the family, a significant move, changes in the family order (through divorce, remarriage, new births,

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Foreign Hospitality Industry in Switzerland Research Paper

Foreign Hospitality Industry in Switzerland - Research Paper ExampleIt is strategic completelyy located in the center of Europe, which ensures easy accessibility of all European markets. It is referred to as the center of competitiveness in Europe, as it plays an important function in financial markets internationalistly. It is also the center for many international organizations uniform World Trade Organization, WHO, and UN, among others. Therefore, the hotel industry can do well here as there are many potential customers who have to eat and go on in hotels.Presence of international trading companies, law firms, and insurance companies, freight forwarding companies, security firms and surveillance firms certify Switzerland as a truly ball-shaped business center. Switzerland has greatly improved over the past years as an investment center. It continually enhances foreign and domestic investments through procession of circumstances and conditions. The improvement over the past ye ars as an investment center is rated as followsExpansion of Mirvac group of hotels to Switzerland will improve the companys reputation and image. Switzerland is an international country and presence of these hotels will ensure its loyal customers get their services, away from home. It will also make it be recognized internationally, as many foreigners issue forth here. Therefore, it will market it internationally, and hence, investing in other countries will also be easy. Investing in Switzerland is, therefore, an important strategy for the companys prox prospects.Globalization has had various effects on the industry of hospitality. The positive impacts are exposure to diverse cultures, large market, economic development, technology advancement, promotion of creativity, increased byplay opportunities, development of travel industry, and availability of international services. Exposure to different cultures will help managers in the hospitality industry to learn different cultures as they move with people from different walks of life.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Knowledge - Essay ExamplePlato and Aristotle both talk about similar concepts when they describe knowledge. How eer they intuitive feeling at it from two opposing angles altogether. The same sh completely be discussed hereunder.In simple words, Aristotle focuses of smaller elements as being integral to the concept of knowledge, while Plato believes that universal concepts ar the key to the essence of knowledge. Determining this difference is vital.Plato was of the opinion that belief is to be separated from knowledge on account of its justification. Beliefs, he elucidated, can be thither without adequate inquiry or scrutiny into a particular matter. However, the knowledge acquired has to be based upon rationalistic ideas, that are guarded by logic and understanding(a). This is what would work up the same knowledge acceptable to many people at the same time, whilst a belief may well hold on-key for just a singular person amongst all humanity.Aristotle on the contrary believed that knowledge lies in the understand of smaller factors, which will gradually all add up to combine the jigsaw puzzle, and show us the bigger picture. He claimed that by knowing the essence of fundamental principles, one would be able to make sense of what is issue on the bigger canvas. Inadvertently, this is a consequence of knowing as to what really can be a basic ingredient in spite of appearance the bigger construct, and then studying the same for greater knowledge.Plato advocates the importance of all-encompassing knowledge, which ultimately gives birth to and yields smaller constructs. This reality can be identified with, and the highest thinking can subsequently be attained by means of knowing what knowledge is. Contemplation gives insight, and ultimately self-actualization. There can be no better strength than realizing ones true potential of existence. All our endeavors or desires primarily follow from the necessity of our intrinsic nature. This concept given by him refers to the identification of the power that the human being yields and associates from within himself, thereby attempting to acquire knowledge at the bequest of all available events. Aristotle on the other hand states that smaller elements combine together to make all knowledge, and therefore understanding should begin from smaller ideas, which may be expounded into complex theories. Whatever one might seek or ask, it is basically a harvesting of how one identifies with the concept of knowledge. The most significant thinking here becomes knowing about oneself. A person, who realizes the details, is truly on the path of acquiring knowledge. If one has the determination to doubt ones self-concepts, then true actualization of knowledge can never be there. Knowledge starts from knowing oneself - it is only with reference to the same would one ever be able to gather some perspective. Although he had the idea of constructing a system for deduction, he was never able to construct one. Inste ad, he relied on his dialectic, which was a confusion between different sciences and methods (Bocheski, 1951).Mysteries, intricacies and secrets of the finite world can only be known with reference to the person. Therefore, if and when a person appreciates his own personal standing and inception, it subsequently becomes the greatest source of endowment and fulfillment for the person. The fundamental factor here is about insisting on knowing reality as it is. This over again is a propagation of the belief that an individual

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pope Pius, Ten Rules on Prohibited Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pope Pius, Ten Rules on banned Books - Essay Example2. This document was written by the congregation during the Council of Trent, a convention of Catholic leaders, theological and Bible scholars of the Catholic Church and church dignitaries. Councils - the assembly of the Catholic dignitaries and which include Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops - be usually presided by the Apostolic See or the Pope. Pope Pius V presided in the assembly of the Council of Trent. The decrees developed from the Council sessions were sanctioned, issued and confirmed by the Pope (J. Donovan, 3).3. The Ten Rules on Prohibited Books was written in 1546 during the ecumenical assembly of The Council of Trent. The Council convened in 1545 and thereafter had three sessions presided by three popes. It culminated in 1563. In 1564, Pope Pius V formally confirmed all decrees from the three sessions and promulgated them. This decree, The Ten Rules on Prohibited Books, is objet dart of the decrees produced by the Co uncil (McHugh, Callan, 13).4. The Council of Trent produced the Ten Rules on Prohibited Books as a response to the Reformation movement led by the prominent Protestant reformists much(prenominal) as Luther, Calvin and Zwingli. Although the Catholic Church, under attack by the radical ideas of the reformists, took twenty five years to respond, after Luther and his followers had already done the damage of the weakening the foundations of the church and the leadership of the Pope (Darby, 25). Luther decried the absolutism of the leaders of the Catholic Church as well as the indulgences of the Papacy in his speeches and in his writings (Davies, 57). This was the while when the authority of the Pope faced decline and countries in Europe were gearing up for the looming religious war (Wallbank, 2). The ecclesiastical leaders of the church, alarmed by the carnage the reformers created on their leadership, responded with prohibitions on published materials written mainly by Luther, Calvi n and Zwingli or their followers (New, 34).The historical background of this decree is app bent as it specifically mentioned the leaders of the Reformation Movement and labeling the aforesaid leaders as heretics or heretical authors. Moreover, the decree clarifies the types of books considered condemned and the kinds of publications and writings deemed heretical and forbidden. The rules in this decree states that the only books permitted should be ones that are not contrary to the doctrine. This explicitly refers to the doctrine of the Catholic Church. The decree provides stipulations on punishment on whosoever has been found guilty of reading the forbidden works. This document was part of the voluminous decrees and legislations developed within the span of eighteen years during the Council of Trent whose aim was to define the doctrines of Catholicism (New, 127).5. The authors goals in this decree are to define condemned works, stop the spread of heresy, and assign punishments for those who break the rules. In addition, it clearly specifies who the heretic authors are and others like these (II) and the nature of the condemned and prohibited writings. It also provides clarification with regards heretical works which deal professedly with religion as they are absolutely forbidden. The authors of this decree purport to bring to an end the proliferation of heresy brought

Monday, June 10, 2019

International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Relations - Essay ExampleEach of these actors behaves in a certain way when they participate in international politics both individually and together. International traffic comprises of the study of the behaviour of these actors (Mingst, 2010). There have been many key issues in the last 25 years that have been precise significant with respect to international transaction. This paper discuses two main issues, namely, armed struggles and human rights. The paper describes why these issues have been very significant when it comes to international relations. It also identifies the major sub-issues, developments, controversies and problems regarding the issue. The paper also points out how the two issues have been linked to each other in international relations and then proposes possible solutions or resolutions to the issues. Armed Conflicts Armed conflicts across the globe have been one of the about significant issues that have affected the whole world. It has been the around important issue when it comes to International Relations. ... t of the armed conflicts in the recent times, mainly in the Middle East, have been internal conflicts which have been triggered due to issues of religion, ethnicity, identicalness and possession (competition) of resources. Mineral and oil wealth has been one of the main reasons for armed conflicts. On the international front, global terrorism has lead to major armed conflicts. oneness of the most prolonged armed conflicts has been the Israel-Palestine conflict. It will be discussed in detail later. An armed conflict leads to numerous sub-issues and problems. It has a profound effect on the state of the region. It becomes a major hindrance to the development of the region. The resources that could have been invested in the developmental activities such as education, business development, tourism, etc are diverted towards developing armaments. The direct and most immediate impact of armed conflicts are the disru ption of food supplies, loss of human life, psychological distress, gender-based violence, physical injuries, health hazards, etc. The effect that armed conflict has on children is very damaging as it influences their emotional, physical and mental development. These issues and problems become an interest of international politics. Global powers and organizations such as UN are required to solve the issues and restore world peace. Global economic relations are also affected by armed conflicts as they affect trade, tourism, etc. International relations of numerous countries are affected by armed conflicts as questions of support and interests are raised. An example of this is the troubled alliance between US and Pakistan as a result of differences on support to Afghanistan and Taliban. Hence, armed conflicts anywhere in the world are very sensitive and gas an effect

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Risk Management - Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Risk Management - Review - Article ExampleHe defines moral hazard as a case where a person is accountable for anothers interests but puts his or her interests first. He matches this with the CEOs who put their interests first but are responsible for the interests of the taxpayers. The CEOs give themselves excessive bonuses out of the funds they manage.The subprime scandal is one case he cites where he addresses how banks issued mortgages with the aim of holding them to maturity. It became a disaster and a change factor to the financial crisis because the banks used to make losses due to defaulting on the mortgages. More so, the banks used to sell the mortgages to other parties without considering whether they will default or not, as they were only interested in the initial payments received (Kelvin, 2009). The subprime was, as such, a greed game dubbed as privatizing gains and socializing losses. He, however, does not blame the CEOs only, but overly cites the failure of financial seek management. He says that the assumptions made in risk management were not viable, for instance, assuming that financial risks follow the Gaussian distribution, assumptions involving market fluidity and so forth. More so, there were modelling errors in risk models that focused too much on the normal market conditions.The article has content relating to risk management and gives several examples of scandals and disasters happening to particular companies, and most of them leading to financial losses. The financial crisis is the basis for all of them. Several concepts of risk management are utilize in the cases provided. Some of the corporations mentioned made some deliberate efforts to counter the losses, and took other measures to recover from the economic shock. Thus, there is risk response and recuperation. Response is where the organization counters the disaster, and recovery is the restoration to the

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Foundations of Mythology Short Answers Essay Example for Free

Foundations of Mythology Short Answers EssayHow is the word falsehood used popularly? For example, what does the statement, Its a myth mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the definition in your textbooks and course materials, make unnecessary a definition in your own words.The statement Its a myth to me means that it is not true or not fully true. there may be some truth but there is some false information added to the story. Myths- the rich rewards awaiting questioners willing to approach myths from numerous points of view argon all open-ended fields of inquiry (Leonard and McClure, 2004). Myths argon stories that are based on tradition. Some may get under ones skin factual origins, while others are alone fictional.But myths are more than mere stories and they serve a more profound purpose in ancient and modern cultures (PBS, 2005). Myths hold back been around for a long time and they are stories and they have been told for a long time. Not all myths are true but there are cases that they do have some truth to them. There are myths that are throughout history and there is rock-steady and evilness depending on the story that is being told. Why do myths from different cultures around the world address such similar or universal themes? Think about how myths explain the secret and the tribulations of mankind. umpteen of the myths are passed carry out to all the different generations and they will keep going just like they always have. Some of the myths are the same(p) as another but they are in with a different culture stub it because many people believe in different religions or just different beliefs. Myths explain the unknown and things that we do not even now happen at times. The subjects of myths reflect the universal concerns of mankind throughout history birth, death, and the afterlife, the origin of man and the world, good and evil and the nature of man himself (PBS, 2005).The myths are ma de by people and they are then passed down for future generations to come so that they have an idea of what happened aside years. With the different cultures there are many different religions and that is also a reason why there are so many different versions of the same myth, they are all just worded differently. What is the relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion? Where do mythology and religion intersect? Where do they diverge? Think about the function of myth and religion in helping human beings cope with change, suffering, loss, and death.A belief is something that we have been told and that we believe in, knowledge would be having the correct information for the truth. Mythology is the study of myths and open fire be a collection of myths, religion is what people believe in and it can be a collection of beliefs. Mythology and religion intersect because they both have beliefs and they have stories that are followed by Gods, heroes and so on.With the my ths and religions it makes people cope with loss and death a little easier, not that either is ever a good thing but with the thought of seeing your loved one again someday when you go to heaven or to know that they are angels looking oer us makes bad times such as these a little more bearable. Myths can be fun stories to believe in because of the meaning behind the stories, and learning about certain religions can be very interesting to where more and more people what to learn the differences that exist. How would you defend mythologys relevance in contemporary culture? Think about familial and cultural traditions. Also, consider how mythology is used in the arts and in advertising to typify human experience.Mythology has had immense influence on nowadays and many years to come because there are many things that people research and want to know more about. Many people had to tell stories and talk about what they heard or what they were told because they did not have computers, pr inting and many other things that we have today. Many of the myths are told today that are interesting and still today makes people want to learn more which is exactly what myths are suppose to do, want to learn and believe in certain things.Today there are a lot of books paintings and many other inspirational things that makes everyone want to know what happened, along with all of us reservation our own myths today to pass down to future generations to come. The human experiences are great because just like a certain group of people that exam the myths and find out if they are true or not but the whole time they are testing the myths they have fun doing so, along with doctrine many of the myths that they are testing.ReferencesLeonard, S., McClure, M. (2004). Myth knowing An introduction to world mythology. New York, NY McGraw-Hill. (2005). PBS. What is a Myth? Retrieved from http//

Friday, June 7, 2019

Popular Music in the Making of Modern Brazil Essay Example for Free

Popular Music in the devising of Modern brazil-nut tree EssayBryan McCanns book hello, Hello brazil colorfully discussed the fascinating human race on the development of the brazilian music exertion, the customs and the traditions of the population and the political standing that has influenced the Brazilian culture as a whole. The rapid acceptance of the cultural and political changes that has taken Brazil by storm has turned this nation to become one of the admired Latin American countries with the advancement of their musical industry.From the thirties to the 1940s, the Brazilians have embarked on a cultural marketplace of recording and broadcasting that was influenced by Getulio Vargas, the politician from Rio Grande do Sul who was k todayn for his hammy and uneventful style of political agenda. In 1926, Getulio Vargas, a young congressman proposes that movie theaters and radio stations must grant royalties to the musicians for the recorded music they played. The Get ulio Vargas truth suddenly became the congressmans powerful performer of endearing himself with the mass of the music industry.The Brazilians love music and anyone in his power who protect and pursue the industry will be adored by the people. From then on, the music became livelier and the radio turned to be the most important tool for commercial broadcasting. Suddenly the patently boring stage of Brazils entertainment industry is teeming with composers, producers, music lovers and even politicians who ride up the wave for political purposes. But since thither was a disparity between Minas and Sao Paolo, the two opposing regions with different roots and culture, music was used to unify differences over racial and regional gap.But as McCann discovers the living culture and the progress of Brazil into becoming a developing nation he also took a keen observation on the course of government ran by Getulio Vargas. From 1930 to 1954, the presidency has been advocated on and off by Get ulio Vargas for which as some historians say has created a chain of uneventful events not only in Brazil notwithstanding to the inter field scene as well. McCann relevantly categorized Getulio Vargas as the president with an unfamiliar way of rules not only in the world of politics but his way of influencing people as well.Vargas was loved by his nation not only because he has make Brazil the musical symbolisation of Latin America but he also imbibed a great authority on the countrys political and economical standard. He espouse and introduced different social, cultural and technological alternatives that were categorically from Western influence but this method, however, became unpopular especially to the socialist groups. Vargas became kn give birth for his goal in unifying Brazil to heal the long-standing class and regional differences between Sao Paolo and Minas.He tried to reconstruct Brazils political theme by removing regionalism and inject nationalism but his objectives have became so large that he ruled out the differences of ethnicity and class and at the same period introduced American influence into the culture starting with the music. until now as the music progresses, Brazilian musicians and fans started to justify their musical preference with political color. This innovation has affected the purity of music into the realm of opinionated culture and in time turned the foundation of music again into a tool of political segregation.And so the Brazilian and American influenced music industry although has founded solid grounds during the 1930s to 1940s has suddenly became fragmented in the 1950s (Bryann McCann). Getulio Vargas was born at Rio Grande do Sul in 1883. His family belongs to a wealthy clan who are politically tight which gave him the interest and advantage to assume a political career in his younger years. He became a congressman in 1926 through the Legislature in Rio de Janeiro and then appointed by President Washington Pereira as the Finance Minister of Brazil.Vargas has served his appointment well but in 1928 he decided to croak for governorship against the political society of Pereira and incidentally won. After two years of being a governor, Vargas was selected by the decomposey Alianca Liberal (Liberal Alliance) to run for president. But Pereira who is still the incumbent president does not want to release his position to another party represented by a politician from the state of Minas. The Golden Rule of Brazilian Politics during that period is that it is required that there will be alternating president from among the state of Sao Paulo and the state of Minas.Since Pereira is from Sao Paulo, he quickly appointed Julio Prestes to be the approaching president and asked the support of the people from Sao Paulo. This instigates a rebellion starting from the Southern Brazil but incidentally Prestes still won the presidency. Vargas publicly stated that he accepted his fate but then he clandestinely plotted to topple the administration of Prestes. A coup ensued and in three weeks, Getulio Vargas became by force the provisional President of Brazil in 1930. Vargas ideals were of a capitalist and a corporatist and hates socialism.He focused on solidifying the powers of the federal government rather than providing strength and justification for the local and state government. Even in his first term in his office Vargas introduced a new constitution and people see it as a manipulation of the constitution to strengthen his hold. This is his means in achieving a long term project to turn Brazil into a strong nation with a strong economy much like the Western nation he is very fond of. When the people began to feel uncomfortable with his administration Vargas felt he has to do something to continue his ruling and prove himself again otherwise.When his original term was due to end in 1937, he staged another coup at the very last minute and declared that he is placing a new economic sy stem the Estado Novo or the New State. The Estado Novo was a corporatist state based on the same principles used by Antonio Salazar of Portugal. This new state allowed for Vargas to become President again because basically Estado Novo is founded by the support from large grok sectors in the government. He again snatched another term that will serve him until 1943.However, as 1943 came around he stated that, due to the crisis situation brought about by the eruption of valet de chambre War II, he would remain in office and that a new election would be held as soon as the war ended. He made a similar announcement in 1944 in the middle of the war. When the war ended, however, it seemed he had no excerption but to allow for elections to continue. Brazilian election laws of that time required any government official to bring out one year prior to elections if they wished to be eligible for the following elections.But Vargas did not want to resign nor showed any intention of doing so. During this period the people of Brazil want him out of the palace and branded him as a dictator. The military became upset and tell him he needs to resign because he is not eligible to run. Vargas was outraged and said if they wanted him to be out of the presidential palace then they have to get him physically but assured the military he would fight them with his own men. The military officials want no bloodshed and so their only option was to attenuated off of the electricity and the water supply to force him out.Although he challenged them to attack so that, as he said, his blood would symbolize his protest against the violence they are imposing on him the military did not hurt him. Finally he left the palace with a belief that he has served his country well. But Vargas has a heart of concrete determination and the appetite for power. In his years of being out of the palace he became a senator and a congressman thanks to his political party who is always in support for his can didacy.He became the Senator for the state of Rio Grande do Sul but although he is still active as a politician for quadruplet years he said he prefers being a private person. Then suddenly Vargas re-emerged as a member of the Brazilian Labor party which encouraged him to run for president again. In 1951, Vargas re-assumed his third term as the President of Brazil. However, the Brazilian economy was in shambles and there is an increasing opposite word against his ruling. The countrys inflation cannot able to cope up with the cost of living which made Vargas powerless in the middle of this crisis.His health began to fade and attacks of first and insomnia became frequent. The worst thing, however, was that the United States which he thought was his ally have became less concerned with Brazil and do not want to fulfill its promise of economic assistance. His ever increasing critics became more direct in hitting his administration until his chief bodyguard was implicated in an attemp ted killing of Vargass notorious critics. Corruptions of his government were exposed and the military leaders again called for his resignation but he did not resign.On the morning of August 24, 1954, a large mob gathered in his palace shouting for his resignation. Then the military officials gave him an ultimatum of forcing him out. Pressured and officiated as the great dictator he went to his room, sat down and wrote a note to his people and then committed suicide. He wrote all his frustrations against those who criticize him the military and the opposition who continued to ask for his blood. He said they have insulted him and was not given the obligation to defend himself and has silenced his voice.He listed all the accomplishments he had done for Brazil such as liberating the people by means of social freedom, revised the salary in favor of the poor, guided the economy to prevent the effect of economic meltdown, and bring peace to warring factions by means of unification of the two states. He dramatically ended his note and added that now that he was condemned, he has to leave the people defenseless from an institution he has always protected but now exploited. When the note was read on the radio and aired on television, the audience suddenly felt his frustrations and despair.They began chanting his name and want him back. In the history of Brazils regime, Vargas became known by many to be the Father of the Poor. However, most people see him as an egomaniacal dictator. While he was seen as an idealist and a principled leader by captivating the hearts of the poor, his means in achieving a long lasting success for Brazil is nonetheless ostracized because of many shortcomings. First, he formed alliances with rich foreign countries in building a corporatist and a capitalist government so that he can control the economy and trash out socialism.In effect this did not materialize but socialism succeeded after he died. Second, those who oppose and criticize h is dictatorial administration were imprison to contain them. Lastly his greed for power is endless and invalidated the laws by creating selfish deeds against the government just to hold on to power. Getulio Vargas ruled Brazil for almost 20 years. Unfortunately, most people claimed that his dictatorial leadership virtually destroyed Brazils constitutional government because of his greed for power and corruption.His means on making Brazil a great country was not successful for he has manipulated not only the constitution but fooled the people by denying them their own sovereign power to vote the person they want. Once in power he became an authoritarian and a corporatist which somehow destroyed the state controlled labor sectors. But as McCann said Vargas has at least earned a reputation of a good leader by those who he handed help. This is the part when he was successful with his leadership.In his long years of leadership, he once hailed a hero by the people of Brazil, Vargas becam e successful in some aspects for he has instituted social programs for the poor and created a bill that would allow women to vote. He gave freedom to women and encouraged them to become part of the labor forces of Brazil. He revitalized the military and for a time he enlivened the economy while improving the relationship of Brazil to other countries. Although many observers say Vargas was more prominent on the national than the local level, his relationship with the Western world signifies his intention in turning Brazil into an industrialized nation.Unfortunately his dreams did not completely materialize until he took his own life thinking he was a good president and had served his people well (Bryan McCann). Works Cited McCann, Bryan. Hello, Hello Brazil Popular Music in the Making of Modern Brazil Duke University Press, 2004. McCann, Bryann. Hello, Hello Brazil Popular Music in the Making of Modern Brazil. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de AmArica Latina y el Caribe (2004). August 4, 2009 http//www1. tau. ac. il/eial/index2. php? option=com_contentdo_pdf=1id=100.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Morality in war Essay Example for Free

Morality in struggle EssayIs warfare ever moral? I feel that struggle is a necessary part of life. Sometimes force is the only way to defend yourself or others. We are all equals, and It is immoral to take the life of anyone, nevertheless it is also immoral to let the life of anyone be taken. We have a responsibility to help each other because cooperation is the only way the human stimulate can survive we also have a right to defend ourselves. This means that if someone else is threatening you or anothers life, and you are capable of helping, you have an compact to protect yourself or them. Lethal force depart never be moral, except what if its the only way to protect someone? Lets say that an assailant has broken into your house and is holding a gun to you and your family. You also have a gun pointed at the assailant. In this hypothetical berth we must assume that the only way to save your family is to kill the attacker. You must profess a filling to kill the attacker or let the attacker kill you and your family. Both options are immoral, so one has to ask if its to a greater extent immoral to kill the attacker, or to let the attacker kill your family?The obvious choice to me is to kill the assailant. I feel this is the right choice because of two motives. One, our responsibility to protect ourselves and our family is larger than the responsibility to not do harm to another. The second reason has to do with the proportion of damage. The attacker would be doing more harm in cleanup spot my family and me then I would be doing in killing him. This example allows us to see, on a small scale, when lethal force is necessary. Things get more complicated when we look at entire countries rather than just one family, but my view point remains the identical.Lethal force is only permitted when it is the only option to defend yourself or others. War is necessary because people sometimes make immoral decisions that put others in a position where there is n o other option, but is war ever moral? Killing is always immoral, and killing is part of war, so parts of war are immoral, but does this mean war is inherently immoral? Sometimes it is the least immoral choice this makes it the around moral choice, so it is sometime moral. I believe that many of the wars we have had have been immoral.I dont think that the United States has been justified in its actions every time. It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Vladimir Putin. I feel that it is in part due to the classical male approach to ethics which focuses on independence, autonomy, intellect, will, wariness, hierarchy, domination, culture, transcendence, product, asceticism, war, and death, Jaggar, Feminist Ethics, 1992 One can see that these characteristics would allow for war to be more often morally acceptable.A feminist approach to ethics would focus more on interdependence, community, con nection, sharing, emotion, body, trust, absence of hierarchy, nature, immanence, process, joy, peace, and life. Jaggar, Feminist Ethics, 1992 These characteristics allow for a more nonaggressive world. The Syrian regime was accused of using chemical weapons against its own people in september of 2013. The weapon of mass destruction Sarin whitethorn have been used, and this action is against international law.The United states felt obligated to step in and punish the Syrian Government for this because they felt it was in the worlds best pursuit to not let these atrocities go unpunished. It could be more dangerous to let them get away with it because international law could fall apart and the world could upset to anarchy if nothing is done to punish wrong behavior. This being said, what is the best course of action to punish the Syrian government if they did infact use this weapon? war machine action was debated, and President Obama was willing to attack if necessary, but I feel t his is very dangerous.If the United States were to attack the Syrian government without UN adulation It could have the same effect as doing nothing. This is because the united states would also be breaking international law, and this could also cause the UN to fall apart. If strong countries like the US bypass UN approval on military actions then International law means nothing. The world reacts by asking if you cannot count on international law, then you must convalesce other ways to ensure your security.Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. -Vladimir Putin. In addition, military action would not be morally acceptable in this situation because it would not be in self justification it would be an act of aggression causing more harm than good. A diplomatic approach would be a step in the right military commission for this particular situation. This real life situation allows us to see how we can judge the morality of an action on a larger scale.In conclusion, war can be moral, but it is only a strategy to attain peace and safety for a group. All other options should be explored before war can be considered this is because war involves some of the most immoral actions possible the killing of others. Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. - Ernest Hemingway http//www. brainyquote. com/quotes/quotes/e/ernesthemi108407. htmlzB7XwPTRbCpbv7my. 99 http//www. nytimes. com/2013/09/12/opinion/putin-plea-for-caution-from-russia-on-syria. html? _r=0.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Evaluate Current Strategic Choice And Implications Management Essay

The Evaluate Current Strategic Choice And Implications Management EssayStrategic Management is a endpoint that is not new, first apply in the 1970s it was conceived that a team of strategic planners would come up with strategic ideas to sell to decision snitchrs. It is all nigh identification and guideline used by the four-in- dies in order for the friendship to deport a warlike edge oer the competition. Joel Ross Michael Kami(Fred 2011, 35) mentioned that Without Strategy, an organization is like a ship without a rudder, going round in circles. Its like a tramp it has no place to go.According to Wheelen and Hunger(2006,3) A set of decisions and actions that ar used to charter the per inningance of a corporation contribute be defined as Strategic management. The summons of this would take into account the scanning of external and inner(a) environmental constituents, long term and strategic planning for dodging formulation as well as the implementation and evaluation an d control military operation. Wheelen Hunger(2006,3) unvoicedly cerebrate on the analyzing and evaluating of external opportunities and threats comp atomic number 18d to the comp some(prenominal)s strengths and weaknesses. A SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) epitome is an ideal tool for strategic managers to plan for both predictable and unfeasible contingencies.In the point of Dess and Miller(1993), the conclave of three major interrelated activities strategic analysis, strategic formulation and strategy implementation can be called strategic management. These activities are a continuous process that helps evaluates and controls the company and the industry it is in, benchmarks the competition and set realistic targets and strategies to meet its existing and authorisation competition.Lamb(1984) states that strategic management is a continuous process that evaluates and controls the transaction and industries the company is in it besides assesses the comp etitors to set goals and strategies then reevaluates them e rattling quarterly or annually to decide on the implementation of the strategy is successful. It then reevaluates the if there is any new factors such as technology, competition, economic market, social, financial and even political environment that can be used to create a new strategy.As a summary, Strategic Management and Planning is the arrest of the process of strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. For company an organization to gain the edge over its competition no matter of size, scale each organization needs to give birth a well planned strategic management in order to strive and compete in the market while optimizing its effectiveness for tomorrows trends of today.Background of companyThe birth of capital of capital of capital of capital of Singapore striplines was from Malaysian bank line Limited where it first started in 1947, because of political reasons, the company was renamed to Malaysia-S ingapore glorylines and in the end the company split its shares to Malaysian Airlines System and Singapore Airlines in 1972 on which Singapore Airlines is owned by Singapore state owned investment mansion house Tamasek HoldingsSingapore Airlines was forced to focus on the international market that was subjected to intense competition because there was no domestic route available to after the separation. The rugged start of was one of the factors that drove Singapore Airlines driving spirit to compete and dedication to branding. It started the branding strategy by engaging a French haute-couture designer in 1972 to come up with a special version of the Malay Sarong Kebaya for the air hose stewardess uniform and adopting a branding Singapore Girls that provide choke tonus in-flight hospitality. This feature became one of the about recognized signatures for Singapore Airlines.The marketing strategy was accompany by background lobbying effort to talk country in granting access to its drome and dedication to its human resource management by investing 20million on find outing facilities. This was paid off at 1973 when the airline was ranked third in the Far East Asian percentage. The company then are force to conduct toll cutting program to struggle with blow up of oil price on 19731977. Surviving this, in 1977 the airlines joint carrying into action with British Airway to provide Concord jet service between Singapore and London, the service was terminated in 1980. This however was deem a marketing success as Singapore Airline were make famous around the ball with this turn overment. At the same period, new Changi Airport was constructed, leading to a juicyer service standard being provided by Singapore Airline. This has paid off and Singapore Airlines were the top preference in Asia-Pacific Region in 1981.The airline follows a steady internal reaping strategy in the 1980s, expanding its size, renewing fleet and adding route. SIA was privatised on 1985, listing on Singapore stock exchange with Temasek Holding owning a 63% initially and gra multiplely reduced to 54% in 2008. During 1990s, the company follows a more aggressive growth pattern, two subsidiaries were form in 1992, Silk Air to close the gap between its route networks and furnish to a lower greet market segment, SIA Engineering is form to increase productiveness and pursuit let out problem opportunity. Globalisation in the 1990s obligate to a fault make a motion the airline to expand overseas, invest in other airline company and forming new subsidiary in other country to provide better support on is airlines. The Asia financial crises at the end of 1990s prompt the airline to review its operation cost again, cutting down on not profitable route. St pack Press, 1999. Against conventional wisdom, the company adjudge utilized its strong financial resources during financial crisis to make capital investment, spending 300million to renovate cabins of its aircra ft. This had benefit the airlines as the price take aim during the crisis is low and the airlines have more bargaining power over its supplier Scott, 2008.Till date, Singapore Airlines group of companies provide passenger and cargo air transportation, airport terminal services, aviation engineering services, training of pilots, air charters and tour wholesales and related activities. As of March 2009, the group have 31,834 employee, posted a revenue of SGD 15,996 million. The airlines in any case operate route on 36 countries with 66 destinations and 726 weekly flights. The performance of Singapore Airlines at the beginning of year 2009 was severely hit by the economic downturn and pre-purchase fuel priced hedge at high level before the financial crisis SIA annual report 08/09. Recent health crisis like bird flu, H1N1 had too affected the travel industry which the airline is operating in.Organisational structureSIAs organisation is divided primarily by function and has disadvanta ges of low responsibility at potty level staff and compartmentalize on manager. To tackle this, SIA have a flatten organisation chart with few level of hierarchy at heart the organisation, this allows shore leave and create a more flexible and dynamic stock that empower people to make decision and leads to job enrichment. The company besides promotes independences and encourage elder staff to train and allow junior staff to make decision.To tackle problem of job compartmentalize, non technical manager are rotated on jobs and allows them to have a broader picture. The management of SIA also stress on impressiveness of maintaining good and healthy work culture inside the organisation. Team works is place on high importance by the company.As the company have established sales office in over 80 countries, it had divided the sales operation by geographical area. To tackle problem on management control, the company had placed the focus point on end results objective allowing site ma nager to exercise flexibility and made adjustment based on situation. Full authorities had been given to its overseas regional general manager allowing decision to make quickly in respond to local issue and customize business operation to suit local climate Times 100, undated.. The company used organic growth strategy and stress on profitability preferably than size, this allow slow and steady growth and leader to be groom properly.In general, the organisational structure of SIA is change encourages autonomy allowing quick response to business traverse and opportunity which is crucial in the airline industry which are very fast and dynamics.4.0 Analysis of remote Environment4.1 PoliticalThe political environment of Singapore is stable with its dominant political party Peoples Action Party (PAP) controlling the authorities since the independence. Singapore government has allowed the freedom in corporate governance and has little set restrictions to the industry. Singapore Airli nes make 90% of the decision on its own and has only influence the mesh of the director over the company (Sikorski, 1995). Singapore Airlines was allowed to stress on profit in comparison with public or social responsibility and was even back by the government during its retrenchment practice during the economical crisis. (Sikorski, 1995)With a strong foreign policy that maintains good relationship with 175 countries, Singapore has a finicky good relationship with huge economical countries such as France, United Kingdom, and Germany. It also has a mutual free trade agreement between Japan, Korea, Australia, smart Zealand, India, United States of America and recently with China in 2008. With Singapore signing the Gulf Cooperation Council-Singapore Free Trade Agreement in December 2008, it embarks to build strong ties with the middle east countries as well.Singapore is a stable base for the operations for SIA comparing itself to other regions in the Asia Pacific that have seen unre st over the recent years. Terrorism alerts affected some countries in the Asia region with India(2008) and Pakistan(2009) hit with the lost of hundreds of life. The tourism industry for Thailand was affected in 2008 during the protest and heavy floods as well as the Tsunami event that happened in Langkawi, Malaysia as well as Thailand that affected the influx of tourist there. There was also the riots in China and the Korean Missile crisis that effect the Singapore Airlines to re-route its flight to other locations.4.2 EconomicFinancial Crisis in 2007 affected many countries over the human race that brought recessions to most of the affected countries. This slum area finishinged through and through 2008 that made the global financial institutions very cautions on its loans of money and many companies had to underwent a cost cutting measure to stay afloat. The IMF predicted the regeneration of the world wide economy by 2009 and it the up market trend has steadily grown from there. The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) also contributed to promote Singapore as a destination for MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions). In SGD 90 Million BOOST (Building on Opportunity to Strengthen Tourism) program was launched in February 2009 and was followed up in October with an announcement for a new Tourism Compass 2020 roadmap to grow tourism 2015, with the goal to set Singapore as the leading city for MICE (STB,12 Oct2009). The growth was further spurred by the mental synthesis of two integrated resort projects, Marina Bay Sand and Resort World at Sentosa. Singapore has also continued to host the Formula One wickedness Race and with all this factors surely has a positive impact for the travel and tourism sector for the country.4.3 Social CulturalSingapores population comprises of more then 75% Chinese, followed by Malay and Indian the main religion of the country is Buddhism, Islam, Christian, Taoism and Hinduism. Having a rich Asian culture in the country, Singapore is one of the most westernized countries within Asia. With the growing China economy and its open door policy Singapore has landed a great pool of foreign labor arriving from China. This in invert has created a cultural conflict among many Singaporeans. With a highly diversified culture with close to 35% of its population is non citizen residing in the country, (25% of is foreigner and 10% are permanent resident) Singapore can be considered as an immigrant country. Although having high non-citizen to citizen ratio, the country never stops to promote foreign talent and believes that if the immigrant policy were to be stopped, Singapore would face a shortage of quality labor.Having a strong Chinese influence over its working culture that has made it a culture of high in power distance with the lower employees accepting the subordinates positions that seldom questions the managements decisions. The working culture also stresses on good team work and maintaining group harmoni es. (Warnstam,2007). This has made Singapore to become a very cooperative employee to employer relationship and its labor union is in good terms with companies throughout.4.4 TechnologyThe growth in the purpose if Internet around the globe has prompted the growth of customized vane addresses to be used around the world. This has also given the potential for the consumption of Chinese characters to form the web address (Choe,Oct 2009). With the emergence of such technological advancement, the electronic devices has also evolved to become more portable with increased performance and now almost every folk in Singapore would have a portable laptop, hand phone and digital cameras loaded with personalized music, games , photo and video.The growth of such technology has prompt an expansion of innovation over the past decade. The development of high speed networks and compression has allowed faster transfer of data and transfer rate, resulting in the availability to have high quality re al beat video conferencing with people around the globe from the office or even without leaving the house. This has made it a very good rest period for companies to use instead of having to send its employees for business travelling. (Yu, 23 Jun 2009).5.0 Evaluate Current Strategic choice and implications5.1 Analysis of Current Strategic go down5.1.1 Financial positionSingapore Airlines has maintained its profit over the years, the group has maintained its profit even through the 2008 financial crisis. After the growth in 2009 the group assets are worth SGD 22.04 million and debt of SGD 1.077million with an equity debt ratio of 0.08. With a general reserve of SGD 11.264 million the company is poised to be able to patronise its operations in any case of crisis. (SIA, Annual report 2012)5.1.2 Product positionCarrierRPK(Million)SIA90,128Cathay Pacific90,975Qantas99,176Total of AAPA member550,014Table 1 Comparison of RPKAirlines market size can be measure by Revenue Passenger-Kilome ter (RPK). Having based in Asia Pacific region, SIA, Cathay Pacific and Qantas all waterfall into the same category of medium cost, developed airlines. These airlines have corresponding offering and price level. It can be seen that SIA, Cathay and Qantas have market share of similar size AAPA, 2009.The company is ranked number two in Skytrax Best airline award the airline is in the top five ranking for 10 out of the 12 award Skytrax have. The airline has the Best 1st Class and best in-flight catering award in 2009. The only part the company dont have a ranking is on the airport lounge service Skytrax, 2009.5.1.3 Marketing capabilityThe initial distribution of SIA is mainly by the travel agents or through internet bookings, SIA has come a long way by providing a ticketless system for its passengers that even allows boarding as well even for connecting flights with its partner airlines (SIA,2009). SIA also engages social networking website in Facebook though quite limited in its pres ence. This is a drawback with the current trend of younger generation who associates more with social networking sites.Another factor that is a slight disadvantages for Singapore Airlines is that the domain and is not owned by Singapore Airlines, but to counteract this, they company has engaged to actively publish itself as the preferred search referee if anyone searches for SIA online. SIA has also made good placement in the search engine for using the key world Singapore airlines and Air Ticket Singapore which prompts SIA at the top of the search list.5.1.4 Organizational structureThe organization is divided by function and the disadvantages of low responsibility for the employees at the hobo as well as the compartmentalization on the managers. To overcome this, SIA has flat organization chart with few hierarchical levels for its organizations, this enables autonomy and create a more flexible but yet dynamic business that empowers its people to make dec isions and lead to better job satisfaction. The promotion of independence and encouraging its senior employees to train and give chances to the junior personnel to make decisions are a key factor for SIA.Non technical management personnel are rotated on jobs and this gives them to have a broader perspective for the job. This is further strengthening by the stress on the importance of having a good and healthy work culture for the company. Great importance is stressed on having good team spirit.To overcome sales operation issue, SIA has focused on end results while giving its site managers to exercise flexibility to make necessary changes based on the situations. The full power is given to its overseas regional general manager to ensure fast response time for local issues and a more localized business operation to site the climate. The company focuses on the growth strategy that focuses more on profitability rather than size, thus allowing slow and steady growth with chances for lead ers to be groomed properly.In general, the organisational structure of SIA is decentralise encourages autonomy allowing quick response to business treat and opportunity which is crucial in the airline industry which are very fast and dynamics.5.1.5 Human ResourcesSIA has a strong emphasis on human resources. The requirements for creation level to the company is only for diploma holders are accepted, these employee would then go through the recruitment process. After the appointment, these cabin crew is trained for 15 weeks, 2 times longer the industrial standards. The SIA employees have a 6 month probation that needs to be reported continuously by their supervisor with a verification rate of 75% while 20% will be on extension. These trainings are changed periodically to adjust to show the clients expectations. While on the job, the employees are also required to engage in various voluntary community services, arts and cultural activities.Refresher courses will be available for emp loyees allowing 3 to 4 days per year, this is a form of motivation for the employees to engage in self study and the employees will be accountable for their own growth and development. Results from these stringent training has been frank by producing Stewardess that have high esteem, motivated and capable in handling the customers in the companys best interest (Heracleous and Wirtz. 2009).The focus on talent form within the company, the company focuses on development of the human capita given training spending of SGD100million for its employees. The company also offers scholarship programs for recruiting management trainees from the universities.5.1.6 Condition of facilities and equipmentHaving one of the newest fleets in the world, with an average age of 6 years, Singapore Airlines is one of the most updated planes compared to the worldwide average of 15 years (Prystay, 28 Aug 2009). By adopting the newest planes and technology this impacts in the decrease of maintenance and pe trol cost. Other than that, SIA also went through an upgrading of its plane cabins to provide customers with the most updated entertainment systems and a better seating arrangement.Training equipment for its pilots is also provided from the SGD 1 million flight simulator that is capable of simulating the high altitude scenario. SIA also updated its training center in 1999 to ensure the recruitment is capable to facilitate a better and efficient training environment.Overall the airlines does have a great training faclilities for its personnel as well as their commitment to bringing top quality service with a strong financial background but because of the financial crisis in 2008 and the lack of demand over supply, SIA is laden with excess aircraft that has not been utilized.5.1.7 quondam(prenominal) objective and strategiesSIA corporate level uses a diversified strategy whereby it expands its business to airline catering, airport terminal services as well as into aircraft maintenanc e. These dual strategy in cost leadership and differentiation enables SIA to have excellent cost efficient service through high business efficiency.SIA has secured its high business competence through the execution of five organizational systems. The first is the structured service development and design that allocates dedicated departments for its set upment of service and thorough examination to ensure that there will be a quality service that will be able to meet the latest customers expectations.Second is the focus on consumer trends over the years, with a specific department that monitors closely to ensure that innovation is tailor to focus on improving and enabling a cost telling and highly productive service innovation. The focus will also be on the companys weak point, adapting the best practices from other successful developments while reducing the cost and risk involved for the innovation.The third set is the focus on a profit conscious culture, with the education of its personnel on the priority of profit and customer satisfaction. SIA also focuses on a reward based system that gives proper recognition to employees based on their performance to encourage team work and productivity while reducing wastage.The fourth is the goal for the organization to achieve success through the diversification and infrastructure of its subsidiaries. These integration allows the focus and control that will enhance the knowledge while reduction of cost at the same time. The management of its subsidiaries is based on a clear expectation that enables the subsidiaries to be subjected to market discipline.The last focus for the company is the development of its personnel through training and development while encouraging the development of a direct self continuous learning system to boost their self esteem.The overall strategies that SIA has adopted has made the company to have a high competence hollow out with the overall ability to achieve a differential offering thro ugh exceptional levels of efficiency (Heracleous et al 2009)6.0 Strategic Potential confessionsChoices for strategy for SIA should be based on the logical elements for the process and have a central role. The company should focus their choices of strategy through based on the internal and external factors while taking into account its core competency to strive for profitability and service excellence of its personnel.Strategic Choices for Singapore AirlinesBusiness Level StrategyCorporate Level StrategyDirection and regularity of DevelopmentStrategy for competitive advantageAdhere to government regulation and satisfaction sexual training and developmentProfit measurable success for strategies diversification in marketCreation of value added services to gain competitive advantage6.1 Business Level StrategyPrice Based StrategyThis strategy takes into consideration of the product to price to gain a competitive advantage. There are many low cost airlines company as of this moment tha t is conducting business in the Asia region. This causes the market to be very competitive and Singapore Airlines is one of such company that faces challenges. Low cost airline companies such as Air Asia is one of the competitors that are focusing on the usage of price based strategy to capture a market share in the current market.JustificationAcceptable and feasible pricing strategyThe focus for the price based strategy is important as the current completion from the low cost airlines also focuses on the same routes of travel while providing a lower air fare. One of such routes traveled is from Singapore to Bangkok, from this example, Air Asia is selling its seats for a round trip for a price of $150 while compared to SIA that cost $500. Because of this the company is losing money as customer trends are now slowly work shift over the low cost seats.http// Corporate StrategyDirection indemnity ground substanceUs ed to measure the health of the industry for the Asian regions and the capabilities of Singapore Airlines. under is the representation of Singapore Airlines in comparative to Air Asia ad MAS in the Asian Region.http// Johnson G, Scholes K. 2005. P 320JustificationAcceptability Feasibility of Directional Policy MatrixFrom the analysis it can be seen that the market positing of Singapore Airlines is aimed towards the middle business class strength that offers a highly attractive market. The bargaining power, threats for substitute and competitive rivalry is high for the Singapore Airlines. In the event of a cost increase for jet fuel to USD 115/barrel, the supplier has the upper hand the the treat of substitute is potentially high for the market. For this the feasibility and acceptance of a directional policy matrix for Singapore Airlines is High.6.3 Directional and Method of DevelopmentTOWS MatrixThrough the an alysis of the internal and external environment, the generation of a TOWS based matrix. This will enable Singapore Airlines to focus on the strategic options available to cater for any potential changes or adapt strategies to further strengthen its market share while limiting its weakness.http// the strength and opportunity for Singapore Airlines, there is potential for market diversification. To overcome the potential treats, SIA can have a merger or acquisition with certain airline companies. Avoidance of weakness for Singapore Airlines can adopt a cost leadership strategy. The airlines can develop their internal factors to avoid the treats and weaknesses.JustificationDiversificationThe current airline industry for the Asian region is highly competitive. There are many airline operations in the region and one of such competition comes from the low cost airline Air Asia. Air Asia flies twice daily from Malaysia to Guangzhou. Currently Air Asia has 86 routes that offers no frills service and has garnered wide recognition from the china market comparing to Singapore Airlines which has 88 destinations in 38 countries. Singapore Airlines would need to strengthen and diversify its market by planning out more feasible routes to high business locations and take a competitive advantage though expansion of the Asian market.Merger and AcquisitionSingapore Airlines needs to have a strong understanding on its competition and to avoid the treats they possess. With their strong financial background, the potential for merger and acquisition is a great choice for Singapore Airlines. Currently there are two national carriers that are seeking to limit Singapore Airlines to access their home market thus slowing down the growth for the airline. Because of this Singapore airlines conjugate the Star Alliance to take advantage of its international strategy. This is also boosted by the investment of SIA groups into China and India to ensure strategic alliances with the local organizations for their cargo divisions, airport services, enginnering and catering.Internal DevelopmentDuring the previous years, Singapore Airlines recorded a low asset turnover ration in comparison with its competitors. Because of this, the weaker asset turnover ratio has a potential to show that the companies ineffectiveness to utilize the assets to generate profit and will eventually lead to the decline in the groups growth. Singapore Airlines can adapt to this by using better use of information technology to enhance its services to the customers and gain back better response and efficiency. Singapore Airlines website is now one of the most advance and user friendly in the industry that offers the customers to check their schedules, buy tickets, check in and manage their accounts as well as even choosing the meal for their flights. Because of this value added service, the company is able to further maintain its market share and slowly cover up the losses by creating a portal for customers and potential clients to interact with Singapore Airlines. The efficient use of IT has proven to significantly reduce the cost and enhance service levels for Singapore Airlines.ConclusionSingapore Airlines is the national carrier for Singapore and is one of the industry leaders in Asia. Currently the operations route carries Singapore Airlines to South East Asia, East Asia, Europe, Middle East and the Australia. The analysis for the external factors indicates that Singapore Airlines does face some barriers due to the international economic and political sector. The prices of oil over the years have been very volatile and would diddle a major impact on the profitability of the airline industry. Other than that with some ups and downs in the economy and the growth of high speed networks through the usage of information technology has played an impact for the overall performance in the airline industry in g eneral with people become less smooth while still being able to work with their counterparts across the globe. The internal factors with the successful branding of Singapore Airlines is one of the drawing factors that is able to sustain its competitive edge as well as with strong management background that ensure a quality of service for its customers gives the company its core competencies. For Singapore Airlines to oblige evolving towards the new market trends, the company should take into account the internal and external surroundings.